Maple Phone Developed By Yoon And Lee
Posted on August 6, 2008 by Jamie Slaughter, with 29784 views

Transforming a popular product into a wooden version is a bizarre development, but the cell phone has just undergone such treatment. The Maple Phone has been developed by two Koreans, Hyun Jin Yoon and Eun Hak Lee as they prove that phones do not need to follow the same trend of plastic products. The wooden phone exhibits a touch sensitive keypad and also a camera. For the touchpad to work correctly, we believe that some different materials are used, as this would be impossible based on wood alone. The phone is great from an environmental perspective, since wood is a natural source and completely renewable. Perhaps this will pave the way for future wooden products, for example wooden MP3 players, wooden laptops, wooden televisions etc.
The wooden phone does not look particularly appealing, and will no doubt be heavier than the traditional plastic. At the moment, it looks like a block of wood with some numbers and stickers placed on the front. Nevertheless it would be great to get our hands on one and compare it with a more conventional plastic cell phone.
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Submitted by Ulanda
Submitted by Ulanda
Woah! Great idea but, the way technology is changing now, it might not become the most popular thing. But it's awesome!
Submitted by Furple
Wow astig
Submitted by Anonymous
Bhn ji in rachnaaon ki prsshnaa ke liyen mere paas shbd hi nahin hai or tlaashne pr mil bhi nahi rahe hai fir bhi badhaai ..akhtar khan akela kota rajsthan
Submitted by Caio
When firstly I saw a maple or a nihility telephone, I was novel manjyeobogo wanted.the person who invented this telephone is great.if they are slight a little, and they bear,
people will buy it very much.
Submitted by Jieun Kim
I think it'svery good idea.
but we already use smart phone.
so in contemporary society, it's not useful.
Submitted by SY
I think it's good idea.
but we're already use smart phone.
현대사회에선 그리 쓸모가 없을 것 같네요
Submitted by Ᏺ
I wonder about the invention and idea.
how about add the function character?
Submitted by SeoYeon Ha
Stupid...waste of wood..pointless
Submitted by Your mom
What if you get like a thousand splinters ? O.o
Submitted by What if ?
Good way for less poulation
Submitted by jamie
This is a epic advance in the world of phones next to the droid 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Submitted by Anonymous
Awesome.. But need some more finishing styles as thy look sexier.
Submitted by Anonymous
Nice...the shape need more work ;)
Submitted by atefe
@=^o.o^= ca soo truee!
Submitted by :)Izzy2121
This is soo awesome! Our class is looking for differnet weird inventions and this is one fer sureee! :d
Submitted by Scisci21
So sool I wont one of them :d :d :d :d :)
Submitted by meeky
So awsome and wicked but freaky and weired love from your number #1 fan 8) :lol:
Submitted by anna
So cool where can I so get one ;) 8) ;)
Submitted by anityme
Awsome 8) 8) 8) :? :d :lol: :lol: :) :p ;) wish I invented that
Submitted by ersgkuytit
Good the economy and the waste of plastic and what not.
but now you have to tear down even more trees.
Submitted by fgdxsgtryf
Your message here.....
my message is that I love this idea
Submitted by Mia
Really nice. Eco-friendly and cute!!!!! :)
Submitted by =^o.o^= ca
Have you taken your medication today? Your immagining things....all of you....
Submitted by killaHertz
Okay thats just gross like overly gross...your jacking off next to me zomg its so smalll!!!!! Lol thats shameful:p
Submitted by miss.mim
Thats not all im afraid...very afraid...all of you...
Submitted by killaHertz
Mm yeah you are the freak! Your the one who was so desperate that stalked emma... You followed her into the girls bathroom for petes sake!!!! You are really weird and I cant eblieve im sitting next to you and your touchind masons palony :s lol
Submitted by miss.mim
Oh right im the freak..... :roll:
Submitted by killaHertz
Well excuseeeee me! How dare you steel that car! You mofo! Power point away you freak....
Submitted by miss.mim
Im bored coz im in enterprise and im sitting next to u.....
Submitted by killaHertz
Nawww poor baby! Lol why you so bored hahaha cant be bored anymore your talking to me xd
Submitted by miss.mim
Im back! And im still bored at school. And im not being stalked. Too much.
Submitted by killaHertz
An interesting invention, something rare would have thought about and only you who pursued the thought. However, how many would actually want to try a less convenient phone when they alrd have very light high tech plastic phones.
nevertheless, very impressive, very minblowing, very unexpected. If I have the money, id try this phone. (y) :d
Submitted by girl07
Fabulous innovation, expecting that field of environmental technology will feel of this innovation and get more in future
Submitted by sumanth
What if it caught on fire
Submitted by chuck
ok but u better change
Submitted by killaHertz
No ur not
anywayz I am dead...
Submitted by killaHertz
Get a grip jordan mwa ha harrr btw those whoare reading this I love him so much hes my bf xd
Submitted by miss.mim
I am offiaclly going to jum infront of a train to get u to stop stalking me missmim!!!!!!
Submitted by killaHertz
Hahahaha I still love you I know you like it xd
Submitted by miss.mim
Ok thats kinda creepy....
stalkerish even
Submitted by killaHertz
Heyy this is pretty killar!! Keep up the good work and when they come out and people can buy them im up for it!! :) anyway for the peoplethat think its gay who cares what you say the person or company that made this is gettinglike all the glory they dont need you guys to trash comment them like guys you are going know where in life when you trash talk other people so get a life and shut the fuck up gots it kk anyway keep up the good work !! :)
Submitted by miss.mim
Your message here..
my message is here lolificated
im bored at shool
Submitted by killaHertz
Um............................3 million years later .............................wood :roll: :roll:
Submitted by fuck you
Can you build a bridge out of it?
Submitted by cottengin
This is really a leap in telephony technology
Submitted by peter
This new phone is awesome keep up the good work.
Submitted by Vernum
Hey I think this is an awesome invention but you need a more convincing picture. :p :roll: 8)
Submitted by vernum
Excellent but wen is it going to launch in market ya 8) :d :roll: :)
Submitted by BARGAVI
Ooooooo........k thats a weird phone.its real ugly to me :roll:
Submitted by fhfugkhfyo
Omg this is so awesome enviromnentally friendly stuff rocks who cares if it doesnt have a qwerty keyboard its a cell phone made out of wood!!! Why wouldn't you love it. :lol:
Submitted by kay
Aww! Dude! Thats beast! Yo! Omg! Kewlio! Y haven't they came out wit it!?! I mean its pretty stupid, but kewl at the same time! Haha
Submitted by BEAST!
Phone invention is too much!!! Lets count how many disadvantages this phone brings. Lets wonder sometimes...
Submitted by ban22
Ya what he or she said protect the pigmes
Submitted by your mom
Goo...od but what about deforestation. ;) :oops: :(
Submitted by Ethio Bety
Dats kinda tite send me 1!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Submitted by de
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Submitted by Hamlin
Tum log intahai ghatia soch raktay ho
Submitted by RABNAWAZ least I know that it floats in liquids...but wouldn't it still short-circuit?
Submitted by XLR
This is interesting keep going with it! :d :) 8) ;) :p :lol:
Submitted by yummmaaahh
:d :d its koo and all but wats the point of it to the economy?
Submitted by amanda
That phone is made of wood
Submitted by basti
This is a very cool invention I want one .you should make money off of it and create a patent. ;) :p
Submitted by Lizzie for
De best is yet 2 come frm africa
Submitted by Max
Tle me who is the inventor
Submitted by melqui
Someone talk to me ! Im at school anddd meggga bored. :roll:
Submitted by blah
Mmmm... So I was thinking && I think that like if it got wett it would totally be ruinedd.. But its okay. Its okayyyyy.
Submitted by blah
Your message's a great thing!!! But need a little bit more about it.....
Submitted by shilpa
,,,great job... Keep it up!!!
Submitted by hinata
I bet its easy to break
:d :d
Submitted by juan param
Iiiiiiiiiii waaaannttttttt that!!!!!!!!! :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d
Submitted by lolo&#
:oops: it is grat invention..keep it up....
Submitted by Anonymous
That was great!!!i like it!!! Ahm just wanna know, what's the significance of it to the economy? I'ts benefits and loses it brought? We want a response...hope you'll find a way to answer us...thanks in advance owm...hehe... :p :) :d
Submitted by pearl
Ahm... I like your new invention...nice!!! Ahm can you send us more information about how your invention enriches and threatens society? ;) :d :p
Submitted by baidz
This shyt look s o stupid on tha real
Submitted by bitch swal
Omg thats so funnt I want it dawg
Submitted by rachi
I want one! They look so cool :d
Submitted by m.e.
Edgar stop bein so jelous of me!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by hello
All of yall are just jelous :lol:
Submitted by Hello
So nice invention of u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodwork have a nice invention again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!more power 2 u
Submitted by lovely
Um....its interesting. :? Its not the gretest invention in the world
Submitted by Meg
Who wonts a wooden phone????
but sweet idea, :? :? :? :? :? :?
Submitted by kimmyy h.
I indeed too like wood :oops:
Submitted by Robert
Good job !that was very interesting
Submitted by anonymous
Cool im useing this for my project journal #1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Submitted by anonymous
This is so frickin sweetttttttt
Submitted by homo
Haha this is a cool one but it's ugly at the same time. :(
Submitted by Brie
:d this invention is so cool makes me wanna have one!
Submitted by kyma4ubaby
I like it friend,may I have one of it,as a gift of because christmas is coming thank you. You are good and knowledgable too. :lol:
Submitted by rufo
Thats crazy. I won't buy ione. I might. U neva knoooooooooooooow
Submitted by funny
Hey yall!
what's the price of this?
Submitted by hoal,ashdl
Hey youu should write more cause I had to write a report about this and there wasn't nearly enough information I had to bs like 9o% of this with talking about inprovong our enviroment so good article jst needs more :)
Submitted by Anonymous
Its awesome helped me with homework but how much would it egualize to. 8)
Submitted by Anonymous
Hey.. Its an ugly invention :?
Submitted by jaylo
I like to have one!!! :?
Submitted by nicky
I appreciate it.............
Submitted by rave
Hey I really like that ;)
Submitted by s.o.s
Its so awesome this is helping me alot! :)
Submitted by bobaloo
:roll: I wonder how much is it
Submitted by elmer
Its amazing...
how did you do that???
Submitted by raven_athe
Wow its really awesome...........could u nvent some more 4 us,,,,,?
Submitted by scre2 pra
Thanx........i needed som new invention 4 my assignment...its a wow thing.i really appreciate it. :)
Submitted by Anonymous