Defendius Door Chain Is A Maze Ing
Posted on April 16, 2008 by Jamie Slaughter, with 30597 views

Here is a security gadget with a few twists, literally. The Defendius Door Chain at first glance looks like some kind of puzzle game, which attaches to your door and the door will only open once the maze has been completed. OK, this sounds good for those wanting to gain unauthorized access but what about trying to get out, and having to complete the puzzle each time? I'd rather not have to waste time figuring out a puzzle if my home was on fire and I was attempting to escape as quickly as possible.
It's all well and good trying to improve a home's security, but as once was reported on a crime program, if the door becomes indestructible the burglar will try to break through the wall instead. The Door Chain looked clever at first impressions, but when you think about it -- it really is not all that convenient and could be viewed by many as a fire hazard.
We'll stick with a strong lock and an alarm, a combination which seems to do the job just fine. Not so a -amaze-ing after all!
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It is silly
Submitted by mad
I think the article needs more information
Submitted by Fred
I think it's amazing, but it needs some reforms .
Submitted by Hasti
Awesome I want one
Submitted by Sugar cane
I want one
Submitted by Tiki
Submitted by Tiki
So how long before your pizza delivery gets cold before you unravel this stupid idea
Submitted by bob
Thievy is cool
Submitted by Maria
Love the ideas
Submitted by lydia
Nice! And crazy haha :d
Submitted by KIET
Submitted by therese
I have been so blweidered in the past but now it all makes sense!
Submitted by Kaleigh
It's good for security of the home and it also have fun. I think this is good idea. But you know, it isn't good when emergency situation occur. You had better make secret button to prepare for this situation .
Submitted by So Hyun Je
It's good for security of the home and it also have fun. I think this is good idea. But you know, it isn't good when emergency situation occur. You had better make secret button to prepare for this situation .
Submitted by So Hyun Je
Thanks is for my project
Submitted by Marck
Y cant u + a door 2 the maze and + a butun 2 the door. + a
2 # code 2 get out fast
Submitted by phillups Z
Omg what happens when u r stuck and then a murder/robber comes though and then u really hurry and screw up!?
Submitted by FFFFFFF
:) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) ;) 8) 8) 8) 8) I want 1 of these how can I get it pllllzzzzzzz tell me now
Submitted by awesome pe
Its a good invention but u guys are to stupid to do a simple maze so thats y u complain about it
Submitted by d woods
Umm...i want this so my brother doesn't come in my room! :d
Submitted by someone yo
Submitted by Drake
Your message here.. :? 8) :oops: :d :lol: :roll: :( :) :p ;)
Submitted by banana
Your message is pretty cool
Submitted by mona
How cool I wont one for my door
Submitted by courtney
what the bllod
thats dirty!!!!!!!!!!!
how can I get this
send me one asap
Submitted by nina d
That's really cool but it could take a long time to open the door just in case if there's an emergency. :? But it is still pretty cool. :p
Submitted by anonymous
That is just.......awesome! :d
Submitted by $J.E.R.K.$
If you people think this is a waste of time, don't get one. You don't have to spend any time on the maze lock if you don't have one and it's annoying to see people constantly complain about some invention they see. If you don't like it, don't get one and don't leave a comment trashing someone else's hard work. I bet the majority of you people are jealous that you didn't think of it first, so you're just trying to trash someone else's invention because you didn't make it. I think this invention would be a bad security system for a main house door, but for an unused back door or a door inside, this is great for entertainment. Great invention.
Submitted by thinker
Ya know taht this invention was just a fuckin waste of my time. I know ya want to put al this invention crap on this website but I think that ya need to put the ones that work on here please? Thanx- omfg (oh my fuckin' gosh)
Submitted by ankhead
Wtf :? :? Thats was a waste of time stupid!!! :?
Submitted by de
Cool but is dum cuz wat if theres a fire 8) 8) :? :oops: :d :lol: :roll: :) :( :p :p ;)
Submitted by yohipie
You all annoy me. :roll:
Submitted by um
Wat the hell oakies!?!?!? This is so weird but will make an amusing speech haha
Submitted by I am rite
Ohmg! Wat a stupid ivention I must say.! Wat if someone wants go for an emergency leak?????huh! :p
Submitted by SCORP!!!!
Guyz anu bayan nakakloka haha ewan ko lang kung naiintin dihan nio 2ng cna sav ko hahahaha good luck keep it ah good work hahah
Submitted by lady gaga
Anyone could make that invention the only thing is wat kind of idiot would actually make one
Submitted by taylor
Omg! Someone's breaking into my house! I'd better take three hours to find my way through the maze and lock them out!
Submitted by Corky Roma
That wouldd give me a majorr head acheeeeeeeee trying to figure that outt. : ) !
Submitted by blah
Hey people out there please responed
Submitted by buthole
I suck my dads dick and jack off for him because I dont have one I have a vagina
Submitted by sklyer Rou
:roll: interstering, but if you enter to your house how are you going to close it...........????
Submitted by christophe
Wow how a-maze-ing! Thats cool!
Submitted by bobaloo
Just used it in games...
...its a good idea., for gaming..
Submitted by raven_athe
Your message here..wwwwwwwwwwwow'this is the most cooliest gadget. I got love for this one.
Submitted by charliecar
Hi will :oops: :? 8) :d :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: 8) ;) ;) :p :p :) :) :( :( :roll: :roll: ;) ;) ;) ;) :d 8) 8) :?
Submitted by alex
Hi will :oops: :? 8) :d :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: 8) ;) ;) :p :p :) :) :( :( :roll: :roll: ;) ;) ;) ;) :d 8) 8) :?
Submitted by alex
Defendius door chain is sooooo a-maze-ing. Haha! Go get one. Lemme see if that would be a perfect fit for your house! Haha. Xd
Submitted by yanna
Maybe they can do that at banks so burglars canno't get money unless they finished that puzzle... Isn't it right guys? ;)
Submitted by cute_in_bl
Lols :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Submitted by Anonymous
It is nice but for a game only not a security system.
Submitted by I
Omg thats retarded but awesome at the same time! Just dont let your house catch on fire...
Submitted by Ryan
Dude you guys are retarded, this maze lock is badass
Submitted by Chris
This is one weird invention... But it is funny as ****
Submitted by what the?
Ah dude I do these all the time.....but I have a special diorder and it takes me 2 weeks to do one..... ;) :p
Submitted by seth poore