Centaurus 2 Solar Powered Vehicle
Posted on May 9, 2010 by Jamie Slaughter, with 27392 views

Solar powered vehicles are beginning to be developed and introduced as our modern world goes 'green'. In a bid to create the best solar powered vehicle, to participate in the 2010 American Solar Challenge, a 1100 mile race from Tulsa to Chicago, emerges the Centaurus 2. The Centaurus 2, made by The Solar Vehicle Project team, looks to be powered by three wheels with the driver off the vehicle positioned off center.
The Centaurus is approximately three feet tall, sixteen feet long and six feet wide. The car weighs around 400 pounds, which in comparison to a conventional car is rather light and should contribute towards improved aerodynamics.
The solar cells only appear to cover half of the car's casing. The entire casing may be covered by the time the car is ready to compete, depending on how much energy the car needs to absorb, store and generate.
It's always good to see developments in more environmentally friendly products, and although this is just one concept, there are sure to be other solar powered vehicles being developed at this same time, in preparation for the American Solar Challenge.
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I really like the solar powered car
Submitted by Amber Rose
I feel like people are just putting random names on this for their comments
Submitted by zgskuhgFJ
Submitted by me
Whens the race?
Submitted by Billy bob
This is gay and people who don't got cars need this. This right here is crap
Submitted by Mr. Gianni
Ohhhhhhhhh kill em
Submitted by terio
Keep these aitrlces coming as they've opened many new doors for me.
Submitted by Melly
4kdxlq muchos gracias for your blog.much thanks again. Will read on...
Submitted by crork
I think that there
should be more
vehicles that can
save the earth and
which can make sense
Submitted by vedant
The world is realy moving and people are very ambitous thisinvention is the eye .men them go invent every thing oooooooo!na waaooooooo!
Submitted by junior U.K
O god I want to ride this. Cool!!!!
Submitted by Biplov yog
This vehicle is gay it has two wheels with a turd head and a hamburger body i'd ride a motorcylce before I ride this.
Submitted by HakLay$
It was very interesting for me to read the blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to them. I would like to read more soon.
katty pingtown
pocket cell phone jammer
Submitted by Katty Pin
8) :d :roll: :) ;) :p :( :lol: :oops: :?
Submitted by aghrjfhape
Your message here.. :d :d 8) :? :oops: :d :d :lol: :lol: :roll: ;) :) :( :( :( :lol: :oops: :d :d 8) :oops: :oops:
Submitted by ssss
Such a nice work!!!your message here.. :p
Submitted by 2horny4u
It is very interesting for me to read this article. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything connected to them. I would like to read more soon.
katherine stone
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Submitted by Katherine
That invention is so cool
Submitted by solanny
There is no way that you can make this product, "more green" then a normal car. A new honda civic gets about 28 - 30 miles to the gallon and this piece of crap gets infinity. Ok. But when you take into consideration of how much energy it took to produce and make, it has a negative effect on the planet. Same as hybrids the energy it takes to make one and break it down when it is done is far greater then the prosess of burning straight up fossil fuel
Submitted by Ricky
Plese creat it in car :lol:
Submitted by piyush
Nope. Sorry. There simply isn't enough solar energy incident on the size of a car to generate more that a few horsepower. Solar powered cars are not realistic, even if we make solar cells 100% efficient. Average retail is only about 10-15% efficient
Submitted by sam mechan
Kooool 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Submitted by kfkhdksfkl
8) 8) :d this is so cool how do you gays and girls make it.
Submitted by anthony
Hmmmmmm wondering where you got those madlad magenta shirts from ay bru? Was it rivers?? Thanks!!
Submitted by felix dawg
Thats so cool! I love it!!!
Submitted by Kylie
Your message here.. :oops: :? 8) :roll: :lol: :( :) ;) :p :?
Submitted by sjdklJDSK
This is the coolest veichle IV ever saw 8) but when will it come to dubai
Submitted by mohd alman
Its cool, I freakin love it ,its better then ridin on my dog back, no homo
Submitted by divine sha
Rockin dude and yes im a gurl
Submitted by Camilla
Amazing!!!!!!! :? :oops: :lol: :( :p ;) :) :roll: :d 8)
Submitted by will
Cool!!!! :lol: :lol: :oops: :p ;)
Submitted by Jhon Riel
Full of reaction and amusement and have no words to say :? 8) :oops: :d :d :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :) :p ;)
Submitted by jothik
it must control environmental pollution. :d :p
Submitted by vinoth
Jajajajaja that sucks jajaja
Submitted by Tuti
It very useful for our future.......
Submitted by gnanam
So awsome!!! Like it I wish I have one! Jejeje :lol: :d 8) :) :roll: :lol:
Submitted by kim
Itz nize :oops:
can it travel for ;) ;) ;)
Submitted by asdfghjkl
Its fantastic. Very coool!!!!
Submitted by katrina de
Tooba please contact me,[email protected]
Submitted by FARID
My e mail adress is [email protected]
Submitted by Tooba
Wow............ How long it can take..........and it's free?????????????? :d :oops: 8) :roll: :lol: :( :) ;) :p ;) :roll: :lol: :d
Submitted by edrick ote
Veiv some vedio of solar powerd vecels
Submitted by asif
Whos made the solar vehicle
Submitted by vhinz
:? 8) :oops: :d :lol: :roll: :( :) :p ;)
Submitted by Dinethri s
Good creation.. Try for the best aa..
Submitted by Sumanth
Uhmmp.. Nice,,j3j3j..
Submitted by lucharetsz
Improvment for more people carring capacity required
Submitted by Onkar
It's a good invention.inventories should make more research to make it more better.love this invention.
Submitted by Emmanuel@b
We will develope it more in india...but it is very dificult to design it for atleast 3 people....good trail...keep it up
Submitted by TRINA
Amazing ,cool .
most probably in india we'll be developing centaurus-3.atb
Submitted by Ankit
:? :? :? 8) 8) 8) :d :d :d :oops: :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll: :) :) :( :( :p :p ;) ;) I h8 it wen people do this random stuufff
Submitted by dylan
This is sooo kewl :d :oops: :? 8) :roll: :lol: :( :) ;) :p and i
Submitted by kim
Your message here.. :roll: :roll: :) :) :) :) :p :( :lol: :? :oops: :?
Submitted by gjhewgytsr