Top 10 Inventions Of All Time
Posted on August 8, 2012 by Jamie Slaughter, with 8424 views
The top inventions of all time - very much a subjective issue and one which there is no clear answer. This is Invention Reaction's top ten inventions list - if you agree / disagree don't hesitate to let us know by contacting us on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

1. Antibiotics
There has been no single invention that has extended life and improved health as much as antibiotics. Antibiotics are essentially substances which prove destructive to another organism. Once the germ theory of disease was finally accepted, scientists began to look for ways to kill off dangerous bacteria. A major breakthrough occurred in 1942 with the introduction of penicillin, with Sir Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey all receiving a Nobel Prize three years later for their contributions to medicine.

2. Computer -> Internet
The computer has made an immense impact on the modern world, and is utilised by the majority of organisations and businesses. The advancements with the computer over the decades have been rapid, and we simply could not survive without the power of computing. The development of the Internet was a pinnacle addition to the computer, one which is used worldwide daily by billions of individuals.

3. Wheel
The wheel is the oldest inclusion in the top ten inventions list. Created approximately 8,000 BC, it began with planks of wood, before moving onto a roller system to simplify moving objects. It soon became apparent that creating a wheel would allow a continuous rolling movement. The wheel, obviously still used to this day, was a ground breaking discovery and one that has withstood the test of time.

4. Television
The television was difficult to position in the top ten, but a discovery that definitely has made its way into most homes and given the amount of time families spend watching TV, it deserved a spot. From black and white, to colour, to standard definition to high definition and now to 3D the technology is still evolving.

5. Telephone
The telephone falls into a similar bracket as the television. The telephone has found its way into the majority of homes, and in more recent times mobile phones have become indispensable. Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell both developed the telephone independently, and amazingly filed for the patent within the matter of a few hours apart, Bell winning by as little as two hours.

6. Steam Engine
The steam engine was developed over a period of about 100 years. Watt was the inventor who developed the first railroad locomotive, but with a distinct lack of funds, he failed to improve upon his idea. He hoped this would prove beneficial in factories, but little did he know at the time, his invention would alter the entire course of history.

7. Automobile
The automobile was a huge step forward from horse and cart transportation, and the car trade has boomed over recent decades. Cars have gotten faster and more economical over time, and adjustments are being made constantly to squeeze the best performance out of them that manufacturers possibly can. Henry Ford invented the first automobile with combustion engine, although a car was invented in 1866 by Richard Dudgeon based on a steam engine.

8. Printing Press
The printing press survived from 1440 into the late 20th century, and remained the preferred method of print. German inventor Johannes Gutenberg, developed the printing press and would have been proud to have watched its success over such a sustained period of time.

9. Birth Control
Birth control had to appear in our top ten list. The birth control was more of a social development, in an effort to prevent unwanted pregnancies thus resulting in less children being brought into care. Birth control has been revolutionary in controlling pregnancies and has become a strong form of contraception.

10. Light Bulb
Completing our list is a real eureka moment. The first electric light bulb was created in the early 1800's. Thomas Alva Edison invented the form of light bulb we are all familiar with today in 1879, a bulb which would burn for up to 1500 hours. This incandescent light bulb revolutionised the way in which we live today.