Invention of the Light Bulb
Posted on August 27, 2009 by Jamie Slaughter, with 32767 views

The very first electric light was invented as early as 1800 by English inventor, Humphry Davy. Through various experimentations with electricity, he invented a basic electric battery, soon followed by electric light once he realised that carbon glowed, producing light when connected to the battery. This reaction is called an electric arc.
In 1860, Sir Joseph Wilson Swan set about attempting to develop a practical, long-lasting form of electric light. It was he who realised that carbon paper filament worked well, however did burn up relatively quickly. In 1878, his new lamp inventions were showcased in Newcastle, England.
1877 saw American Charles Francis Brush develop a series of carbon arcs in order to illuminate a public square in Ohio, USA. A few streets, some large office buildings and some stores all utilised electric lights, but the extent of usage was not at all common.
Typically credited as the 'inventor of the light bulb', Thomas Alva Edison experimented with thousands upon thousands of alternative filaments to find the best material for a long-lasting, high glow solution. 1879 was the year Edison finally realised that a carbon filament within an oxygen-free bulb glowed, but would not burn up for approximately 40 hours. Later, Edison invented a bulb that would not expire for over 1500 hours.
Lewis Howard Latimer improved upon Edison's bulb with a new carbon filament which he patented in 1881. Latimer was part of Edison's research team, termed "Edison's Pioneers", and in 1882 began to manufacture and distribute his own carbon filaments.
At the turn of the century, in 1903, Willis R. Whitney introduced a 'fix' to the light bulb, so that the inside of the bulb would not darken as the filament began to glow, thus producing more vivid and bright light. William David Coolidge then invented a tungsten version of the traditional filament, which lasted longer than any other filament. This incandescent light bulb revolutionised the way in which we live today.
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hjbjbjnjhhggki zsq
Submitted by Jgyfugfugg
What are you doing I am going to catch you I send police already
Submitted by Police off
What are you doing I am going to catch you I send police already
Submitted by Police off
What are you doing I am going to catch you I send police already
Submitted by Police off
Submitted by A
Your being controlled👹
Submitted by A
Your mean 😥😤
Submitted by A
I see you squar
Submitted by Poop face
Your mean 😥😤
Submitted by A
I see you
Submitted by Snenshs
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My baby
Submitted by Mr baby
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I need money
Submitted by I need mon
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Mother hug me
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I need help
Submitted by Hsua
Submitted by I need hel
Nolen can you see this
Submitted by A
Submitted by Bihffgf
Submitted by hi
I likepizaa so much,
Submitted by PIZZAMAN
U to dimarion
Submitted by CLOWN
Im the clown I am coming for you mason
Submitted by CLOWN
That guy is crusty
Submitted by dic2
Submitted by ,l nmg
This is so lame why are you making me do this is crap
Submitted by snoopy dog
Mksscocnsswcuocndwsiducbcdwuodac samxiixsaonascuisac
Submitted by Bob
í ½í²¡l like this invention í ½í²¡í ½í¸í ½í¸í ½í²¡
Submitted by pinky
Idk if light bulbs r kule then who is spooder man and why is spooder man booger man it doesnt add up just like how shrek is love shrek is life he actually doesnt have a lyfe because shrek is in cartoons and is a ogre
Submitted by poop
Hi nathan
Submitted by Salvador B
Submitted by Victoria
It helped my project but I still need more information.
Submitted by Hailey
I love it
Submitted by bandile
Submitted by Enoch
I like it
Submitted by BOB
This was very us full information, thanks!
Submitted by eva
Stop this article is awsome
Submitted by girl
Cheese butt
Submitted by butt face
Ha!good one marshall
Submitted by yoyoyoyoyo
Submitted by Mario
Im awesome
Submitted by Alex
Hi rohan
Submitted by Alex
Submitted by Alex
Its two
Submitted by geri figue
Submitted by geri figue
Submitted by Alex
I could not live with out it.
Submitted by lilly
Submitted by 2cool
Submitted by bruce
I know poobs fell werd
Submitted by pooob
Submitted by bruce
Very intresting
Submitted by ryan
To me this is the best invention
Submitted by invention
My friends it is the best site for the knowledge of invention's
Submitted by Alok Kumar
Wow this is very great! I appreciate it.
Submitted by Ogali Pete
Wow 😲
Submitted by Alok Kumar
Hey hey hey its fat albert
Submitted by fatalbert
Q queen I am too q for you.
Submitted by Q King
True true young buck
Submitted by weedsmoker
This is awsome you can fill a cave with all of that light!
Submitted by bob
Jakkas bhura
Submitted by hemal
I think you should add somthing about what the light bulb did back then and what it dos now.
Submitted by Marilie lo
Dats a powerful invention
Submitted by Solution
Submitted by ryan rink
It was very useful gor my project..... Thanks for the post :)
Submitted by AJVDJSG
Thats awesome
Submitted by keaton
Submitted by tanner
This is so lame
Submitted by giba
This is awful
Submitted by hajima
Wow! I always thuoght your kids were beautiful, but these pics capture it so well! Heather, you must be thrilled to have photos of this caliber to show their glow forever
Submitted by Kenan
I think this invention is amazing.
it's very helpful in our lives.
Submitted by Ye Eun Heo
I think this invention is the most useful item in our life!
Submitted by Jung Ga Ry
It is very nice invention.
Submitted by jung
I found out that light bulb was invented by many inventors through various experiments. I think they were geniuses.
Submitted by Yoon Kun H
Why so many people have commented on this?
Submitted by Ahmed
But also you're an idiot ,silly ,fucking, ahmak, gerizakali ,�k�z ,ahmak sın
Submitted by o
Hahahaaaa kakaya �ok iyi
Submitted by o
Why... Are you all such idiots. Yes the light bulb did help the world but why do we need it we could use just fire... Man you stupid clothed jerks
Submitted by Kakaya
Who really invented the light bulb?.
Submitted by cherie bom
The light bulb brightensss my dayyy;) :)
Submitted by erica
Everythinqq is betterr withh thee liqhttt bulb heheeee;) :lol:
Submitted by Dulcee
If I was to say that your comments are the stupidest things I have ever seen.. How would you respond... Because they are... :roll: 8)
Submitted by Pancakes
:? 8) :oops: :d :lol: :roll: :( :) :p ;) forget you is mt favorite song hehehe
Submitted by stephanie
Wow I like my new lamp! :p :roll: :oops: :roll: :lol: :( :) ;) :d :? 8) :roll:
Submitted by allison
The light bulb helps as see in the dark ;)
Submitted by Joshua
Hi lucy how are you :d :roll: :lol: :oops: :? :( :p :p ;) :) :oops:
Submitted by Grace
Yo!!! Whats up? 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Submitted by grace
J,tr.yb5ily .k. :roll: :d :oops:
Submitted by lulu
Your awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :d 8) :? :oops: :lol: :p ;) :) :roll:
Submitted by lucy
Hi whats up? :oops: 8) ;) :( :? :p :roll: :d
Submitted by grace
Ha ha!!! :lol: :( :) 8) :? :d
Submitted by lucy
Your message here.. :lol:
Submitted by lucy
:lol: :oops: 8) :) ha ha
Submitted by denb
Your message here.. 8) :d :? :oops: :roll: :lol: :) :( :p ;)
Submitted by bob
:? 8) :d :oops: :lol: :roll: :) :( :p ;) what the hell
Submitted by dick
This doesnt help at all :?
Submitted by hydfhsdj
Your message here.. :) ;) :p :( :lol: :roll: :lol: :oops: :d 8) :?
Submitted by brian
I know something on me that turns on :d
Submitted by your momma
Bob saget what guy from the hood says losers? Fag.
Submitted by ROFL
Hahah! Bob! Hahaha u funny boi!
Submitted by Firefly
Dont say ghetto,im from the real hood loosers
Submitted by bob saget
I'm at school too. This school is ghetto, hahha. I looked for the light bulb and this is what came up? (: jhvldfjbgzsjdbr
Submitted by Smellly
Its ma birthday :p but I sick and at home :? But yay its ma birthday :p
Submitted by katy
Ima ace my history fair paper now
Submitted by history fa
Hey this is cool. Am now sure to get 1st place from the science fair. So if you science dudes also have some geeky ideasplease share them with me. Add my email. [email protected]. There now please do it.
Submitted by lisa
Im at school also :( and im bored
Submitted by dan7576677
Nice to know about that...jejejej
Submitted by junas
Dnt nobody care if ur at school a hole!!!
Submitted by #1Diva
Its awesome and im at skool
Submitted by stuff
:roll: :oops: :d 8) :? :( :)
Submitted by al
Ya my project was successfull...........
Submitted by shreya