Philips Living Colors Hosts A Spectrum Of Color
Posted on September 18, 2007 by Jamie Slaughter, with 6426 views

Continuing our recent theme of colorful and illuminating inventions, we bring to you Philips' newest creation, LivingColors.
LivingColors is a modern day lamp with one distinct difference which separates it from the vast quantity of existing lamps on the market. That difference being the ability to emit approximately 16 million different colors. That's enough color to brighten up even the most mundane of rooms.
LivingColors is available at the current price of $240 (�120), which may unsettle any potential initial interest, but there really is no better way to add color to your home than with this lamp, other than splashing several tins of paint randomly across your walls like a maniac. Despite the latter being more fun, the LivingColors option is slightly more feasible and much less chaotic, leaving much less of a surprise for guests.
The lamp utilises 4 individual LED's; two red, one blue, and one green. By blending together each LED and experimenting with the brightness of each, it is possible to achieve any conceivable color. This can all be controlled via the included remote control which simplifies this process, and also remembers the last setting selected to automatically revert back to when the lamp is next switched on.
So what better way to light up the room with color than with LivingColors, a new and intuitive innovation in the world of home lighting? I'm off to buy some paint...
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