Matrix Cube Alarm Clock
Posted on August 15, 2008 by Jamie Slaughter, with 17373 views

The Matrix Cube Alarm Clock is one of those cool gadgets that you just either want, or think is a complete waste of time. If you're in to retro items and cool new gadgetry then this could be for you especially if you're a heavy sleeper. The hours, minutes and seconds are all separated with individual cubes -- just remember to align them in the correct order to prevent looking at the clock during the night and realising its twenty minutes past 59 o'clock.
"Connected by thin ribbon cables, each clock module can be stacked vertically, horizontally or in a pyramid, depending on your mood and the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn's moons�Each cube is approximately 3.5" square. 12 or 24 hour format available! Even includes a snooze button."
The Matrix Cube Alarm Clock is on sale for $34.99 from ThinkGeek.

Add Comment
Yours is a clever way of thkinnig about it.
Submitted by Makailee
8) :d ;) its superb and I liked it.i tooo want to invent such thing.
Submitted by VINATH RED
He cant talk cus mr.jensen keep yelling at him :?
Submitted by lilyoder
Hi,,,, i'm jeny I interested to your invention because I need your formula bcause I have a proj...!!!!!!
Submitted by jenny
Hi! Im interested on your invention, can I ask some questions regarding on your invention if you dont mind and hoping for your answers it is a big help on my part if you did, thank you.
- who invented this matrix cube alarm clock?
- why did you invent this matrix cube alarm clock?
- how did you invent it?
- is there any sacrifices on doing this?
- who are your inspiration on doing this?
- what are its advantages and disadvantages?
- is this your own idea?
- when you invent it?
- does your government support you?
- is there any achievement receive by doing this invention?
_hope you'll answer this questions. Thank you.
just reply me at my account : [email protected]
Submitted by karl
Unsa man! .a . . . . .
pengits . . . Bah....
Submitted by atay oi .
What are the discoverers looking for?
how were they doing this?
what did they find?
was their discovery accidental or deliberate?
did they realize immediately what they had found?
what impact did the discovery have?
who made use of it?
Submitted by jessa fait
I need to ask questions about your invention coz its quite interesting and actually I need it for my
who made the discovery and when?
Submitted by jessa fait
:p oh can I have some question about your invention because your invention is very interesting I need your question for tommorow because it is my project here my question...
1.why did you invent this matrix alarm clock? this invention is for math or have something about math?
3.what is this function? this important?
5.who is your inspiration? there any person help you to do this? this is your own idea?
8.matrix alarm clock is for? you finish studies?what is your course?
10.who invent this?
Submitted by Alfredo A.
Anyone can tell me who invented this? When? Where?? Please,please,please!!!! This is my email [email protected]
Submitted by grEensOda2
Who is the inventor of this new tecnology :oops:
Submitted by manny
8) good inven men you mereced a novel
Submitted by Anonymous
Fuck this shit lol jk u suck big balls
Submitted by heaven
Nice face :lol: :d 8) this is the angry face- :( :?
Submitted by joemar
I can't e-mail you because I don't have your e-mail.
Submitted by unknown
Stella answer me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Rosa
Da soyaan gd n clah!?
pag invent?> pd mo!?? Ozzzzzzzzz! :lol: :roll: :)
Submitted by Anonymous
I want to have it with joe jonas!
Submitted by rutt
Submitted by digg
Submitted by digg
Come get!
Submitted by rutt
Stella you are like a pice of shit in thetoilet
Submitted by rutt
Megan your an asshole and a bich and a piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by digg
Take a ride on my vagina.
Submitted by digg
You have got to come take a ride on my penis!
Submitted by Anonymous
Opps asssssssssssssssses!
Submitted by rutt
We should leave this site so we do not get in trouble
Submitted by Chihuahua
Submitted by rutt
You guys, we should leave this site.
Submitted by unknown
Gosh rosa are you going to type anthing
Submitted by rutt
Megan, can you call me tonight?
Submitted by unknown
Rosa you have a big peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
Submitted by rutt
Your hotter then ever baby!```
Submitted by rutt
Im going to call your but
Submitted by tink
This is so fun javascript:smilie(':d')
Submitted by tink
Saweeet 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Submitted by juan
Hey jacob when are we meeting tonight????
Submitted by Jacob\'s S
Miley!!!!!!!! :lol: :roll: :) :( :p
Submitted by unknown
What the fuck this clock is fuckin gay as shit :p ;) :( :) :lol: :roll: 8)
Submitted by giggles
Jason stop talking shit to my homie yuhh bitch! Idk who you are but stop!
Submitted by Sylvia
In yur dreams ., , . ,. , yu choked on mine
Submitted by jack
Sure you were!
you were on mine last night! Jaja
Submitted by Jason
In yur dreams ., , . ,. , yu choked on mine
Submitted by jack
How kome I was boning ur mom last nite den
Submitted by TWISTd
Who the heck is jason??????????????????????????
Submitted by Sylv
Fuk you anthony suck mine bitch you dont got a dick
Submitted by jack
Jason and jak can give me head
Submitted by TWITd
Bitch better stop talking shit
before I go over were u are & beat the hella out of u
Submitted by Jason
Its your mom mother fuker
Submitted by TWISTd
Who the fuck is twistd??
because thats a gay ass name!!!
Submitted by Jason
Its your mom mother fuker
Submitted by TWISTd
Hi jason whoever yuhh are?
Submitted by Sylvia
Who the fuck is ............
Submitted by TWISTd
Sylv is sylvia yuhh dummy
Submitted by Sylv
Jenny is the one sitting next 2 me
Submitted by sylv
Soooo sylvia. . . .. . :d
Submitted by jenny
Jenny is the one sitting next 2 me
Submitted by sylv
Jenny ur not in this chat so get out
Submitted by TWISTd
Fuck yu yes I am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by jenny
Jenny ur not in this chat so get out
Submitted by TWISTd
Im also gay and have no dick
Submitted by jovoney
Just here being bored
& yuhh?
Submitted by Sylvia
Hey sylvia im sooooooooo fuken gay and I ahve a man
Submitted by anthony
That is motha fuken gay ass shit homos
Submitted by josh oliva
That is some gay ass shit :oops:
Submitted by josh oliva
:lol: .
i'm realy amazedof that gadgetz!! :d
Submitted by Anonymous
Who comes up with all this cool stuff????? :roll:
Submitted by Jyovany Pe
Its so very o.a!!!duh! Its not awesome,but its very eewsome!! :( :? :oops: :p
Submitted by cutie girl
Nice one. Jejeje :) :p ;) :lol: :oops: :d :roll:
Submitted by dyosa
I'd rather choose an ordinary clock..
cozz it just have d same function
Submitted by FLame FaiR
Omg :roll: thats kool but its looks like a 3 yr olds toy :? &i still friggen want 1
Submitted by rachi
What are the other topic of this.
Submitted by edison
Thats so krunk ;) :p :) :d 8) :lol:
Submitted by young swag
Wheeeeeeeeeeee, this is kool , I want some so nad :p
Submitted by steve and
It's awesome..
it looks like a toy..
;) :p :)
Submitted by yAyAm
That is so cool 8) 8) 8) 8)
Submitted by jhuy
Give me a hestory of matrix cube. 8)
Submitted by edfe
What do you mean by cube?
Submitted by edfe
Who invition the matrix clock?
Submitted by edfe
Hi im doing this for advanced computers in dhs!i thought this was a goofy and kinda gay invention and there's no way in hell I would buy it for $34.99. :p
Submitted by kendra
Its looks like a ticking time bomb
Submitted by tony finge
Hai,my name is sknaathan I am malaysian,i am intrested on your products.which I can market in malaysia.please advice me on your condition.tq
Submitted by sknaathan
Awsum!!! I want 1!!! :d :d :d
Submitted by bob
Thats tight! I wonder how u can think of these things! Its so awesome!!! :d 8) :d
Submitted by bobaloo