Luxura X7 Tanning Bed
Posted on August 13, 2008 by Jamie Slaughter, with 15568 views

Tanning beds are cause of much debate amongst health professionals over how safe they are, and the long term effects of prolonged use. Leaving these debates to one side, here is a new modernised tanning bed, the Luxura X7. Not content with old tanning beds the X7 aims to create a more up to date style and definitely achieves it from these first pictures. The Luxura not only delivers a tan to your body but boasts an array of additional features such as MP3 playback with surround sound, Smart Voice, CliMax air conditioning, and Xsens. Xsens is effectively a ventilation system which filters through a fragrance which helps you to relax more easily.
The Luxura comes in Starlight Silver, Sunrise Orange, Mellow Lime, Eternal Blue, and Bling Variant colours which match your home. Once your tanning session has elapsed, the Qsens system sprays a mist of water into the room to cool you down. As of yet, information regarding this product is minimal, so there is no release date or cost on this product.
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I am an american, I can hrlday tell what some of the sky sports commentators are saying, I swear I thought I knew how to understand english but some of those guys need to back off the mic too.
Submitted by Erick
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Submitted by Hart
Awesome I wish I had one! 8)
Submitted by Sophie
Just lay out in the sun gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Anonymous
:lol: :lol: it was cool gadget
Submitted by maegan
Your message here.. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Submitted by Anonymous
Cool I think that its about time we get a good tanning bed! :d
Submitted by Anonymous
Its very beatiful...its cool! Nice one guy your my idol yeh!
Submitted by Czar m.
Wow! It so amazing nice invintion
Submitted by Donna B.
Hu invented thiand wen plzz give ans soon need for a project thanks :d
Submitted by iam in a h
Weee.. I saw tis in final destination 3. And it killed the two bratz.. Hahaha
Submitted by skye
I had a mouth full of cum
Submitted by sklyer rou
U suck internet one day I will rule you all I will dominate you noobs haha you will be my slaves unless you add me on runescape or world of war
Submitted by Ben Aflak
Wla lng................epal
Submitted by Anonymous
It is cool :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :d :p
Submitted by Steven B
Well hello people out there in tv land
Submitted by lilian
..alison u need to stop playin that game ur on ok u suck on it anyways lol
Submitted by LILIAN
Ur fat nd stoopid. Stoopid cuz im sittin down so therez no way I can trip duh!! :p
Submitted by Alison
Your message shut up we have been doin that for like the past 10 min ok all of a sudden u wanna trip
Submitted by LILIAN
Aww datz messed up. How r u gonna put dat in public where everybody can read dat.
Submitted by Alison
Your message here..yeah there is....nevermind shut up ok ..ur fat to
Submitted by LILIAN
Therez nuthin to hate on fat ppl.
Submitted by Alison
Nope but still your the fat one :d
Submitted by Alison
So wut u punk u got a problem with that
Submitted by LILIAN
Well u say "hells na" cuz ur a fatty :p
Submitted by Alison
Oh ok I was just wonderin and hells no its not nasty well jea except the salad
Submitted by LILIAN
Naw I dont eat that nasty lunch.
yea I jus hang out wit them.
Submitted by Alison
Shut up jea cuz u r a punk u eat at lunch or do u kick it with those guys still
Submitted by LILIAN
I rather be a punk than stoopid.
awww I love u 2. :d
Submitted by Alison
No i'm not stupid you are u punk...i hate you lol..... :lol:
Submitted by Anonymous
Im dumb but ur stoopid. ;)
Submitted by Anonymous
Can I sleep on this bed now but how? :? :oops: :lol: :( :p 8) :d :roll: :) ;) :)
Submitted by Priyam
I am like totally physct about this idea
Submitted by Kandy Kane
I love it. Its totaly for me .... :? :oops: :d 8) :roll: :lol: :( :) ;) :p
Submitted by cody
:d :lol: I love it!!! :roll: :)
Submitted by Weed
Cool man :d :roll: :lol: :)
Submitted by Dill weed
I like this new invention. It totally rocks 8) :? :oops: :d :roll: :lol: :( :) ;) :p :( :oops: :d
Submitted by Amber Gibs
Thats is sooooo coool :d :lol: :roll: :) ;)
Submitted by Amber
Hello, my name is kelly, I like yours site, gut photo,
i with pleasure shall support a theme.
Submitted by ewfr4t5y6y
Hello, my name is jessica, I like yours blog, gut photo,
i with pleasure shall support a theme.
Submitted by iertas9190
So cooleo... Now guys want make fun of us gurls... >holla< :d :roll: :p :?
Submitted by i love log
So cooleo... Now guys want make fun of us gurls... >holla< :d :roll: :p :?
Submitted by i love log
I got something really cool I made but I have no idea how to make it is ther eany tips you have for me you see its still a idea but I got it writting down 8) :d :roll:
Submitted by razor
What a nice invention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :d 8) :?
Submitted by angelice
am I amazin???? I bet ur all nerds! *admin's note : Yes, we are!*
Submitted by kissie
Great! High tech ka ha.. Padayuna lang na. Wow!!!
Submitted by tipie
Yea juz go stand n the sun.... Same result ;) :) :roll: :lol: :d :oops: 8) :d
Submitted by **********
:) nice one!mkamanghang nvention!!!!!!!!!!!awesome.......
Submitted by jgv
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Submitted by drew
This is a pretty cool device, will just wait to see how many arguements you get off of this one. :?
Submitted by Anonymous
:lol: your the men! Good job keep up the good work! Nice invention
Submitted by Marino M.
:lol: your the men! Good job keep up the good work! Nice invention
Submitted by Anonymous
Your message here.. :p :p its cool dude
Submitted by john crist