I Garment Fire Protective Suit
Posted on October 29, 2007 by Jamie Slaughter, with 9107 views

Raging fires, as we are all aware of, can cause great destruction on both an economic level and more seriously on peoples lives, possessions and memories. Those who tackle the blazes in an effort to control the flames have their work cut out for them, so it is imperative that fire-fighters are given the best protection.
Protection has progressed in the form of a body suit known as the I Garment Fire Suit, which protects the body from flames thanks to the materials used. The I garment also features a set of sensors which monitor vital signals, which in turn are transmitted via wireless to a base station.
The suit was developed by yDreams for the European Space Agency (ESA). Despite offering an enormous degree of protection, the suit also offers comfort and flexibility. The sensors include telecommunication, localization, alert and processing hardware which collect data from the fire-fighter regarding the fighter's vital signs and transmits them, in real time, to a remote station, most probably the fire engine.
The data is then monitored and dissected, which the base can then send further instructions to a fighter's PDA which can inform them of appropriate action to take.
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Comment thanks for spending the time to dcsiuss this, I feel strongly about it and love reading more on this topic. If doable, as you become an expert, would you mind updating your weblog with more details?
Submitted by Veera
What sort of material is used to make the suit?
Submitted by swarna
Gee...get a grip guyzzzzz.....
Submitted by fush
Tat s perty coool ecept the remate can break and every body can dieeeeeeeee
Submitted by hjjhjhjjbv
Tat s perty coool ecept the remate can break and every body can dieeeeeeeee
Submitted by hjjhjhjjbv
To much damn cussing going on in these comments! Geez get some respect
Submitted by hottie wit
Your message here.. :p ;) :p :p :p :p :p
Submitted by Anonymous
Thanks for being gay homosexuals.
you f.u.c.k.e.n ruined this article with your comments. F.u.c.k you guys.
Submitted by Spencer is
So do I but I like nuts! ;)
Submitted by Anonymous