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Douglas Pedal Table

Posted on September 24, 2008 by , with 19139 views

Douglas Pedal Table

MotoArt create some interesting furniture models and they always cause consumers to take a second glance. Their latest product is no different. Named the Douglas Pedal Table, this aviation piece is made exclusively from an out-of-service aircraft, the Douglas C-133. The piece stands at 22.5 inches, and includes a set of recycled pedals. The table comes in a variety of colours to suit your home, and also comes complete with a 28 inch tempered glass top. The Table will be a sure way to impress guests and to exhibit a piece that will get people talking, and also add some pizzazz to your room.

Unfortunately there are only 15 of these tables available which will cause the price per table to pedal out of control. Nevertheless a captivating piece, which will draw attention from whoever is lucky enough to see it.

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Das ist wundervoll! Ich hab solch schf6ne imsnpaote be4ume nicht in der ne4he, keine chance! Die sind ja alleine schon ein hinkucker, auch ohne diesen tollen schnee!ich wfcnsche dir ein tolles neues jahr!

Submitted by Mia

Your message here.. :) uhm!!! Was up doc? ;)

Submitted by Anonymous

Wat a waste of money ripoff :(

Submitted by Pissed

Your message here.. :oops: :oops: :lol: ;)

Submitted by Anonymous

Wow!thats great,.,thats my name douglas,., :d

Submitted by lorenzo

Hmmm... Nami man cya ah...hehe its nice

Submitted by unknown

Yeah cool!!! Lets gonna be burn bro

Submitted by Crazy

You two are beeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Chihuahuas

You two love each other!!!!!!!!

Submitted by you know w

Jon you looove shoes
:p :p

Submitted by you know w

Megan you have to many ugly freckles

Submitted by Anonymous

Nice!!!!!!!!!!wat ever :)

Submitted by emo

Ahh!!!!!!!! :roll: nice!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by emo gal

Witken, we always knew u wer gay

Submitted by Mr.William

Wow, some of these comments are really incomprehensible.

Submitted by Stace

..very nice!!i hope the next invention will be "douglas running table"haha.. :lol: :p

Submitted by Anonymous

Awsome, nice job guyz!!! Good luck 4 the nxt one!!!can I have one??......

Submitted by MIELZ

Awesome!! :? :oops: :lol: :( :p ;) :) :roll: :d 8)

Submitted by Joe mamma

Can somebody give me sites of new gadgets or new inventions?

Submitted by k0n

:d its really good...........
:lol: but I want to know the inventor of this newly invention :roll: :)

Submitted by Anonymous

:d really good..............

Submitted by laurince

Ask k lng po cno ang inventor ng invention na to? Nice invention kc!!!!!!!!! Gudluck sa next invention nyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Submitted by Emz

I like u....when I rule the world your death shall b quick and painless :d

Submitted by stewie

:roll: what exactly is the point of this invention? :roll:

Submitted by ..........

The invention is really nice,,but is it not heavy in the pocket :oops: ;)

Submitted by jen

The invention is really nice,,but is it not heavy in the pocket :oops: ;)

Submitted by Anonymous

Pede padagdag ng ibang info..

Submitted by keit

You have a nice invention.......wat ever....... :roll:

Submitted by abby

Awsome I think everyone should have something like this when is it coming out?!?!?!

Submitted by Anonymous

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