Csiro Power Jacket Charges Your Portable Devices
Posted on November 8, 2007 by Jamie Slaughter, with 10220 views

Following on from our article on the fire protection suit, we bring to you another jacket, which offers something similar, though with other benefits. The 'Power Jacket' is a new innovation developed by CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization), an Australian corporation, which not only protects but is capable of charging your portable electronics. The organisation recently received a grant of up to 4.4 million Australian Dollars, in an effort to develop a Flexible Integrated Energy Device which can be embedded in an item of clothing.
The Integrated Energy Device is intended to self-generate electrical energy, which in turn powers the wearer's devices, eradicating the necessitate for a power plug and cord. The jacket will be a breath of fresh air, for hill walkers for example, who can remain fully charged despite how far they travel. Never again fear your I-pod cutting out, or your mobile battery dying in the middle of an important call.
The jacket works by transforming the motions and movements of the body, and channelling these vibrations to form electrical energy from kinetic energy. The jacket consists of two major sections, labelled red and blue on the diagram. The red area, which resides over the shoulder, is responsible for the energy transformation process, which continually squeezes and deforms energy.
The blue areas which are located across the back and front of the vest will host a set of durable, lightweight batteries, which will store the charge and pass this onto any connected devices. No release date has been announced as of yet, since the prototype has only just been developed.
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Omg!!! Such gorgeous pohots!! Nice work trudi I just adore the black & white one of tammy & zara, but they're all so cute!! Love yer work xxx
Submitted by Malksh
Hy............ Good eve ning
Submitted by ebradojohn
I like it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuch. You should market it
Submitted by allo chap
Do u plan to market it or wut????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Submitted by Anonymous
Do u plan to market it or wut????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Submitted by Anonymous
I go to west middle shool and I love this I live in rapid city south dakota
Submitted by this is th
Kewl invention might be useful,...only one problem wat if it rains? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Submitted by Anonymous
Would be great for the army
Submitted by J hiv
I have to use this for a presentation in computer applications... Perfect!!!!!! :)
Submitted by kente
Very nice..hope dat I cn use it! :lol:
Submitted by brix
:) amazing!!!!
:p hehe......
Submitted by kids_01
:d I think this invention is amazing it'll help many hikers
and people with everyday needs,
this product is so kol so i'm wondering how much is it??
Submitted by tommy
Wat if it rain? U retard. Me no like chu :?
Submitted by good splr
Thats random like tottaley
Submitted by somerandom
South park!!!!!!!! Omg u killed kenny u @#$%@%^&^ :lol:
Submitted by stan and k
Wow this ausy must really admire bery bonds :lol:
Submitted by some guy
Hey anyone lookin at dis I saw a funneh movie on u tube its called the kitty cat dance :lol:
Submitted by Anonymous
Wow this makes meh feel the world is goin high :lol:
Submitted by Anonymous
Wow this makes meh feel the world is goin high :lol:
Submitted by Anonymous
Wow you are retarded you said they spelt it wrong when you spelt it the same was fati
:p :p :p :p
Submitted by kid
Umm yeaaa thisss is soo not going to work.... Nice tryy buttt you could kill someonee>>they could get electricuteddd :(
Submitted by aliiixxx33
Bobbbbyyy your a fucking retard :d
Submitted by Saggy Ball
Bobbbbyyy you are a fucking retard :d
Submitted by Anonymous
Omg!!!! This is sooo stupid!! You would get like electricuted!!! ;)
Submitted by bobbbbyyy
You guys are weird!!!! :?
Submitted by carl
Strapping battery acid to your chest.. No thanks! But good idea just the same with the energy creation many other possible implications..
Submitted by Jak
Wow thats cool :p ;) :) :( :lol: :roll: :d :oops: :? 8) 8) 8)
Submitted by bob
This invention is super awesome you should be a superstar
Submitted by J Dog
Its to bulky plus you guys need to put a price on things. 8) :? :oops: :d :roll: :lol: :( :) ;) :p
Submitted by hgbvgfk
Not a bad idea, but I don't care much about the style tho...it looks too bulky. :?
Submitted by Joe
Wow. Wtf you guys are gay. :roll:
Submitted by Kristie
This is a cool invention... :)
Submitted by tiare
They spelled organization wrong
Submitted by Anonymous
Sure mo working na..hahhahahaha :(
Submitted by godfrey
This is a cool suit 4real now I might buy my husband one
Submitted by mrs smith
:lol: :? 8) :d :oops: :p ;) :) :(
Submitted by jm
Hiiiiiiiii :oops: :oops: :d :roll:
Submitted by edhel