Credit Card Keypad
Posted on October 28, 2007 by Jamie Slaughter, with 9903 views

With identity theft, particularly using credit details on the increase these days, you might want to take advantage of the Keypad Credit Card.
To operate the card you enter a PIN number from the pad on the back which generates a one time pass code to be used for more secure online purchases. Without the input of this mandatory number, the card is considered useless and will cease to function.
Many people are unsure about making online purchases and can only benefit from the extra protection the Keypad Credit Card offers. Each layer of protection is always a benefit to any consumer, as it instills confidence when using such a card.
How this affects ordinary High Street store purchases might be a problem but we imagine this will work as well as any regular credit card. Initial details remain sketchy and whether or not this addition becomes a chore rather than an advantage.
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Suprrisnig to think of something like that
Submitted by Elly
The best especially for businessman/woman
Submitted by mary Franc
Sorry! Sorry! Sorrry! I m not satisfied. :(
Submitted by bushra
This website needs some serious moderation. Start by banning the kids.
Submitted by Kif
Hey hey hey im fat albert
Submitted by i love run
Yo yo yo yo yo whats up homie :)
Submitted by o my dog
Cool im going to use it for my invention project!!!!!luke I am your father!!!! :d
Submitted by zt5115's amasing...i like it...
Submitted by vanessa's amasing...i like it...
Submitted by vanessa
Glad you decided to present this idea in your school project :d
Submitted by InventionR
I ama high schooler and am doing a rpoject on this invention. 8)
Submitted by Anonymous
Its nice invention :p ;) :) :lol: :oops: :d 8) :?
Submitted by AIYEN
I thoght it was ausome :roll:
Submitted by zach
This is a smart invention!!! Cheers to the smart- brainy people who vd thought of this!!! :)
Submitted by sue.
This invention is fantastic! I really like it!!!!!!! ;)
Submitted by shivani
I love it. I am in the 9th grade and is doing a project on new inventions as well. I think this will be a great project for me to do. :lol: :d 8) :) :p
Submitted by keana
This is so cool.. Nice thinking :oops: 8) :) :p ;)
Submitted by Chantele
I think its cool but brandon routh is soooooooooooooooo hottttt
Submitted by Jen
This seems to be a nice invention. :d
Submitted by Shanice
Its freakin awsome bad kids no posting!
Submitted by Tom the Aw
Hi jorden!!!!! :p :p hey levi :( :(
Submitted by Not availi
This thing sucks I hate it. My other freinds in the 6th grade think its awsome but it really sucks I hate it :( :( :( :( :( :(
Submitted by Tim
This thing sucks I hate it. My other freinds in the 6th grade think its awsome but it really sucks I hate it :( :( :( :( :( :(
Submitted by Tim
This thing sucks I hate it. My other freinds in the 6th grade think its awsome but it really sucks I hate it :( :( :( :( :( :(
Submitted by Tim
This thing sucks I hate it. My other freinds in the 6th grade think its awsome but it really sucks I hate it :( :( :( :( :( :(
Submitted by Tim
This thing sucks I hate it. My other freinds in the 6th grade think its awsome but it really sucks I hate it :( :( :( :( :( :(
Submitted by Tim
This thing sucks I hate it. My other freinds in the 6th grade think its awsome but it really sucks I hate it :( :( :( :( :( :(
Submitted by Tim
We hate this invention it is the worst invention ever!!!!!!!!!! :(
Submitted by Jovi
We love it. We are in 6th grade and are doing a project on new iventions. We are choosing this invention!!! :d :d :d :d
Submitted by Tassy