Invention of the Airplane
Posted on January 12, 2011 by Jamie Slaughter, with 32767 views

The discovery of the airplane accelerated development in the transport industry. The time taken to travel greater distances has been dramatically reduced, and places have become increasingly more accessible.
Despite the Wright Brothers universally credited with the invention of the airplane, the emergence of the plane can be traced back an entire century before the brothers took to the sky. Sir George Cayley, born in Scarborough, in 1773, built his first model helicopter in 1796. In 1804, he successfully designed and manufactured a glider, before publishing three papers detailing the fundamental principles of aeronautics. It was within these papers that the ideas of thrust and lift were first explained.
The two people most commonly linked with the invention of the airplane are the Wright Brothers. Wilbur Wright was born on 16th April, 1867 while his brother, Orville, was born on 19th August, 1871. Both left education at an early stage to set up their own bicycle repair store. Otto Lilienthal, a German aviator, was a man who the Wright Brothers closely followed, keeping up to date with his research and experiments. Lilienthal died in a glider accident, which inspired the brothers to take matters into their own hands and continue their own research into aeronautics. This love of mechanics drove them to experiment with the principles of airplanes and flight, carrying out extensive tests for many years. One of these many tests focused on the wings. The brothers set about building a set of wings similar to that of a bird, albeit with a moveable rudder. This was known as "wing warping" and was the benchmark for their design. It was in 17th December, 1903, that the brothers unveiled their first ariplane, the first plane that had been capable of a controlled flight with no landing damage and a constant speed.
The brothers made it part of their research to photograph each prototype they tested, also persuading an attendant from a lifesaving station to capture Orville in flight. The "flying machine", as it was referred to at that point, rose to an altitude of 10 feet, travelled 120 feet and took just 12 seconds. Two further successful flights took place later that day prompting the brothers to contact their father to tell him to get in touch with the press about their recent flights. Unfortunately, many dismissed their claims, so Wilbur ventured into Europe to spread the word. Their news was finally accepted, and the brothers received worldwide fame for their work.
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Submitted by Himanshu G
Submitted by Himanshu G
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Submitted by Loo my boy
I like this web site
Submitted by i like tur
What about santos dumont? He is also known by many, as the inventor of the airplane!
Submitted by Claudia
This was ”very helpful” ...............
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Really helpful website
Submitted by WebsiteSmi
That wasn't me
Submitted by ThisIsGrac
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This is a website about stuff
Submitted by SmileyFace
This was the worst information that anyone has ever given this did not help at all.
Submitted by bob jr
Submitted by slod
Submitted by bob
Who great invention they gave a lot of effort they were determined
Submitted by EliteRacer
It alright
Submitted by Anonymous
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I fdfdxftd
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Submitted by hi
Esta informasion es popo....................................................................tu eres popo.....................................popoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo............ppppppooooooooppppppoooo...
Submitted by wilbur wri
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Tu eges popo
Submitted by wilwur wrr
Great invention í ½í¸í ½í¸
Submitted by harini
Should be shot
Submitted by Harsh
Hi having fun?ish
Submitted by nathan
Submitted by 21
Submitted by cman
Submitted by RISKY BEEY
Thanks for the information.
Submitted by guy
Submitted by santegus
Submitted by lkiu765r4e
Submitted by sqa
Submitted by sqa
Anyway I got a lot of information thanks
Submitted by sarah
What are all these comments i'm laughing
Submitted by sarah
This is cool. I need it for school and it gave me a ton of useful info
Submitted by Elmo
Submitted by Rohan
I am coming for joker.i am batgitrl
Submitted by Batgirl
Submitted by nassar
......the person spelt airplane wrong in the second paragraph the person spelt it ariplane.................
Submitted by your mom
I thought this was very helpful
Submitted by school 101
So the write brothers take the ane well thats lame 😤😨😤😞😭
Submitted by Lily
I am philly I go to lutheran high in sheboygan. I'm part of boyz.
Submitted by Zach A
Thanks because I needed this for a project
Submitted by sylvens
Deez nutz
Submitted by alan
Hi hector
Submitted by THE JOKER
Hi omar
Submitted by BATMAN
Hi alan
Submitted by jeff
Deez nuts...........................ha goty
Submitted by JEFF
One day I will invent something and everyone will look up to me
Submitted by lola
Submitted by FArt
Hi bitches
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50 cents is awsome
Submitted by randy
50 cents is awsome
Submitted by randy
50 cents is awsome
Submitted by randy
50 cents is awsome
Submitted by randy
50 cents is awsome
Submitted by randy
50 cents is awsome
Submitted by randy
Submitted by radese
Canadien are aswome
Submitted by randy
Airplanes rock
Submitted by Michael Cl
Wow so cool by conner
Submitted by obiz
Whats up obiz
Submitted by connery
Submitted by obiz
Submitted by shit
Submitted by Bum
Devin is gay
Submitted by devin
Submitted by idk
Guess what
Submitted by idk
Hi devin
Submitted by kinh
Hey they are gonna fight today
deez nutz00
Submitted by idk
Deez nutz
Submitted by martin
I like cheese
Submitted by devin
There is an entire movie about how he made the first aircraft and the english just stole the idea.
Submitted by No one
Actually recently found out an indian guy made the first thing.
Submitted by No one
Great summary
Submitted by Shamosha
Thanks!! It helped me so much with my homework!!!
Submitted by Ari
This is really interesting stuff!
Submitted by Angie
Right now as you're reading this you are talking in my voice.
Submitted by Morgan Fre
Good stuff
Submitted by queef
This site has good info
Submitted by morgan
I like the air plane
Submitted by Logan
Submitted by qwr
What up brothers
Submitted by jon
As we all know,here is our's home
Submitted by ੑ
This invention is amazing and surprise things.
they challenging is great
Submitted by Na Rime Ha
I need more facts about planes I need help this was no help
Submitted by braden
This is a great thing to know whoever wrote this! Thanks guys (=
Submitted by Anonymous
The real story is :
the name of the real guy = santos dummont.
first airplane
look on google or any website. =)
Submitted by Thiago
,yeah dee is right this is best idea :lol:
Submitted by angel
Your message here.. :roll: :lol: :( :( :( :) :p ;) :d :oops: :? 8)
Submitted by malli
Thiss wass ughh causee whatt??ii dont get itt !..
Submitted by DajaaLOVES